Next step: Fellowship, Global Regulatory Affairs, Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Boston
Fellowship awaits: Amber landed a fellowship in Global Regulatory Affairs at Alexion Pharmaceuticals in Boston, Mass., a company that develops therapies for rare disorders. “I am eager to showcase how pharmacists can play a pivotal role in research and development, ensuring that innovative treatments reach patients efficiently and safely on a global scale.”
Global healing trip: One of Amber’s most empowering ONU experiences was a spring break trip to Peru and the Amazon rainforest to learn about global healing traditions. She planted a tree in the jungle and handwrote a personal mantra—“strength, growth, positivity”—that she placed by the tree’s roots. “I also included a favorite quote: ‘If we were meant to stay in one place forever, we would have roots instead of legs.’”
World traveler: Traveling to diverse destinations is a source of inspiration for Amber. She’s visited 22 countries to date, with many more on her bucket list. “Exploring different cultures, cuisines, and landscapes has broadened my perspective, increased my empathy, and fostered a sense of global connectedness.”
Diversity advocate: While serving on Student Senate, Amber championed the passage of a resolution to include more gender inclusive language on student syllabi. She also helped create the Senate’s new diversity, equity, and inclusion secretary position. Wherever she lands in the future, she’s committed to creating “inclusive environments where all individuals feel valued and empowered to thrive.”
Guiding star: Since Amber’s first semester on campus, Dr. Kelly Shields, associate dean and professor of pharmacy practice, has been Amber’s guiding star. “She’s been a mentor, problem solver, professor, and chaperone in the Amazon jungle for me. I’ve greatly appreciated all the little things she’s done that have played a big part in my professional and personal growth.”